What is anemOS GNU/Linux?
anemOS is a a 32bit only Debian-respin trying to offer the most lightweight yet featureful and user friendly experience possible. It mainly targets weak/old computers that still run Windows XP or those who struggle with newer versions of Windows.

Why did you create anemOS?
I always enjoyed helping people with old/weak computers make the most out of them with only software adjustments.
I wanted to create a desktop where Windows users would feel at home while being able to perform the most common desktop tasks like browsing the web,listening to music,playing movies,viewing and editing documents and all of these being available out of the box without the need for additional packages.

But why Debian as a base?
I wanted anemOS to offer a huge number of packages in order to ensure easiness for beginners and experienced Linux users alike.
RPM distros were a big no for me due to troublesome past experience and a rolling release base would be harder to maintain for a beginner user.

I then decided to go with Debian since I always found Ubuntu to be quite unstable even in its LTS releases with numerous bugs left.
Debian is rock solid in terms of stability while still maintaining a huge number of binary packages.

Help! I clicked the "Lock Screen" option on the menu and now I can't see a thing! My monitor keeps changing colors!
Relax! It's the way the screen locker works. Unfortunately SDDM does not come with suitable locker for LXQt so the only option is to use xscreensaver(which is the ugliest thing ever) or slock. I decided to go with the second option. Just enter your password like you normally would and press Enter. Your screen should be now unlocked!

Why is anemOS 32bit only?! I want 64bit because I heard it runs faster!
anemOS was born to breathe new life into weak/old computers.
Having that Pentium 4 with 512MB RAM machine run an 64bit version has no real-life benefit.
The impact in memory usage when on 64bit however is obvious. 
If you have a decent 64bit CPU and reasonable amount of RAM (2GB+)than you can install any Linux distro you want. anemOS won't make much off a difference on such systems anyway.

Online video playback is really slow/choppy! I thought anemOS was lightweight!
Unfortunately online video playback is not a task old computers can handle that well.
There is a workaround for it though that performs really well most of the time.
If you are having trouble watching online video streams, just enable Video Assistant addon (top right corner of Firefox). This will stream the video through SMPlayer(a new window will popup!) and result in smooth playback even on the weakest of computers.

Help! Some programs have different window borders styles!
If you notice programs to have different window border styles it is because some apps use GTK3 and you are not using a GTK3 compatible theme. Either live with it or switch to a GTK3 compatible theme (such as Arc) or even use another app that does not use GTK3.

I can't find package x on Debian repos. Can I mix Ubuntu PPAs to install it?
Although very rare an occasion may arise where a package is not available in the Debian repos.
However it is NOT recommended to install it from an Ubuntu PPA or even from another Debian release other than current Debian Stable. Doing this may break your system! You can of course try it if you want, but you have been warned!

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